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Inventory Report 


An inventory is a binding legal document that provides an accurate written record of the condition and contents of a property at the beginning of a tenancy.


Since the introduction of a legal requirement to bond a tenant’s deposit in an approved scheme it has never been more important to have an inventory, preferably prepared by an independent company such as ESA.


In order to deduct monies from a tenant’s deposit you must be able to demonstrate changes beyond reasonable wear and tear. The only way to do that is with an inventory.


All of our Inventory Reports are professionally compiled in accordance with the recognised industry standards and can be tailored to your requirements. We always include detailed narrative descriptions which we combine with digital colour photography on all reports. We visit the rental property and undertake a full Inventory inspection itemising the fixtures, fittings, contents and the condition of the property at that time including any furniture, if applicable.


You will be supplied with a copy of the Inventory Report via a link or a PDF copy via email, printed copies are available on request.

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